The Wild Woman - Unlocking the Wild Woman Within

Course Overview

    • Week One Workbook
    • Week One: Embracing Your Inner Wild Woman
    • Embracing Your Inner Wild Woman [Audio]
    • Guided Meditation - Journey to the Inner Sanctuary
    • Week Two Workbook
    • Discovering Your Creativity
    • Discovering Your Creativity [Audio]
    • Creative Essence Flow - Guided Meditation
    • Week Three Workbook
    • Deepening Your Connection with Nature and Your Body - Video
    • Deepening Your Connection with Nature and Your Body - Audio
    • Nature's Embrace: A Journey of Connection and Inner Harmony - Guided Meditation
    • Week Four Workbook
    • Cultivating Resilience and Strength - Video
    • Cultivating Strength and Resilience - Audio
    • Resilience Rise - The Phoenix Rising - Guided Meditation
    • The Journey’s End: Celebrating Transformation and Embracing the Future
Profile picture

The Wild Woman - Unlocking the Wild Woman Within
